When it came to my college search, I had three priorities at the time: an exercise science major, some sort of ballroom program, and study abroad
España Archive

Photo Tour of Spain
If you’ve ever visited Spain, you’ll know it’s a photographer’s paradise. If you’ve ever visited Spain with me, you’ll know I’m always the slowest one, at

Itinerary: Madrid & Seville
I recently wrote this 10-day itinerary to Madrid and Seville for a job application and realized that someone may want to use it as a guide

The April Fair: Féria de abril
The world famous Féria de Sevilla is taking place in Seville, Spain this week and is evoking some serious nostalgia. La Féria, or La Féria de abril (“The April Fair”) occurs two

Audiovisual Language Translation (in Spain)
One of my favorite courses as a student at the Universidad de Sevilla was “Lenguajes Audiovisuales” (“Audiovisual Language”). The class focused on the processes of subtitling

Sevilla’s Semana Santa
This week is when sevillanos (people from Seville) celebrate one of their most important traditions: Semana Santa or Holy Week. Although Holy Week is celebrated in

Auxiliar Interview: Alex of Backpacking Brunette
Alex is an ESL teacher who worked as a language assistant in Spain and now lives in Mexico! She is a fellow VIPKID teacher who loves

Auxiliar Interview: Tamara
Tamara is a blogger and auxiliar living and working in Madrid, Spain! Read about her experiences on the Iberian Peninsula: 1. Where are you from? I

Tour of a Spanish Supermarket
Shopping in a Spanish supermarket (or supermercado) is a feast for the senses! Smelling fresh seafood, picking up a warm baguette, admiring the beautiful colors of

How to Get Your Coffee Fix in Spain
¿Quieres tomar un café? Or literally, Do you want to “take“ a coffee? “Taking” or having a coffee in Spain is a daily ritual and a

Great Podcasts for Spanish & Travel
For three summers, I had a unique job of working in an assembly line team building the InReach satellite communicators for DeLorme (now Garmin). Due to

Auxiliar Interview: Lindsey Z.
Lindsey is a second year auxiliar de conversación and blogger based in Andalucía. Read about her experiences working and living on the Iberian Peninsula! 1. Where