If you’re a recent graduate, gap year enthusiast, or simply want to avoid adulting for a while, teaching English abroad might appeal to you! There are
Teach in South Korea Archive

English Teacher Interview: Ashley of Wanderdolls
Ashley is on a mission to escape the 9-5 lifestyle by freelancing, teaching, blogging, and traveling the world! Read about her experience teaching in South Korea:

English Teaching Interview: Katie & Ben of Two Wandering Soles
Katie and Ben are world travelers and travel bloggers who have also had the opportunity to teach abroad in South Korea. Read about their experience teaching

English Teacher Interview: Tia of Just Her Carryon
Tia taught English abroad during part of her time in the Air Force and now works for a nonprofit along with running a travel blog! Read

English Teacher Interview: Anna
Anna is one of my childhood friends and newly turned English teacher in South Korea! Here is what she thinks of her time there: 1. Where