If you’re a recent graduate, gap year enthusiast, or simply want to avoid adulting for a while, teaching English abroad might appeal to you! There are
Teach in Spain Archive

English Teacher Interview: Whitney
I met Whitney in the London Heathrow airport waiting for a delayed flight back to Madrid from Christmas break in the States. We quickly learned that

Auxiliar Interview: Alex of Backpacking Brunette
Alex is an ESL teacher who worked as a language assistant in Spain and now lives in Mexico! She is a fellow VIPKID teacher who loves

Auxiliar Interview: Tamara
Tamara is a blogger and auxiliar living and working in Madrid, Spain! Read about her experiences on the Iberian Peninsula: 1. Where are you from? I

English Teacher Interview: Antoine of Two People in Spain
Antoine and Kanicia decided to move to Spain after their life in the U.S. became a bit too comfortable! Now, they teach English and run a

Auxiliar Interview: Lindsey Z.
Lindsey is a second year auxiliar de conversación and blogger based in Andalucía. Read about her experiences working and living on the Iberian Peninsula! 1. Where

Auxiliar Interview: Trevor of A Texan in Spain
Trevor is a former auxiliar de conversación and blogger with three years of experience working in Spain. Here are his thoughts from living abroad: 1. Where

Auxiliar Interview: Nina of Hola, Teacher
Nina Lee is a hangry traveler, tea-loving bookworm and a dessert fiend. She is currently trying to keep up with running her blogs on teaching English

Auxiliar Interview: Kirstie of Venga, Vale, Vamos
Kirstie is a former auxiliar de conversación and is now backpacking and blogging around the world! She is one of the auxiliares whose blog and stories

Auxiliar Interview: Genevieve of Wayfaring Wanders
Genevieve moved to Spain to teach English after the regular 9-5 life made her realize she needed an adventure! This is her first year working as an auxiliar

Auxiliar Interview: Kirsten
Kirsten is a former language assistant from the UK and has some good advice for prospective auxiliars. Here’s what she thinks of her experience in Spain:

Auxiliar Interview: Lindsey J.
Lindsey is a former language assistant who has worked in both Andalucía and Madrid with the Ministry program. Here is what she thought about her time
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