Megan wanted to make a difference in the world after graduation and decided that teaching English was the answer! Read about her experience living and working

English Teacher Interview: Sasha of Grateful Gypsies
Sasha is a travel blogger and English teacher who spent some time teaching in Beijing! Now he works for VIPKID, travels, and writes Grateful Gypsies with his wife,

English Teacher Interview: Rachel of Grateful Gypsies
Rachel taught English in China and now travels the world while working for VIPKID! She and her husband, Sasha, write a travel blog called Grateful Gypsies.

English Teacher Interview: Kayla of Never-ending Fernweh
Kayla is a blogger and English teacher living and working in Thailand! Read about her experience: 1. Where are you from? I’m from Youngstown, Ohio. 2.

How to Get Your Coffee Fix in Spain
¿Quieres tomar un café? Or literally, Do you want to “take“ a coffee? “Taking” or having a coffee in Spain is a daily ritual and a

English Teaching Interview: Katie & Ben of Two Wandering Soles
Katie and Ben are world travelers and travel bloggers who have also had the opportunity to teach abroad in South Korea. Read about their experience teaching

Online Teaching With VIPKID
In this rapidly developing digital age, I’ve seen a huge influx of ads promoting online work in the hopes that applicants take the bait for a better

Tea Chat With a Brit
What are the first three words that pop into your head when you think of England? One of them was probably tea, right? Tea is an

Lovely London
“The weather can be very unpredictable! So pack for the beach and for skiing.” This was the sound advice I received from my British friend, Greg,

Great Podcasts for Spanish & Travel
For three summers, I had a unique job of working in an assembly line team building the InReach satellite communicators for DeLorme (now Garmin). Due to

Auxiliar Interview: Lindsey Z.
Lindsey is a second year auxiliar de conversación and blogger based in Andalucía. Read about her experiences working and living on the Iberian Peninsula! 1. Where

Salón des Fleurs: Madrid’s Most Elegant Tea House
I’ve recently discovered a hidden gem in Madrid called Salón des Fleurs: a gorgeous tea house overflowing with flowers and sweet scents. For those who know me, flowers