Spring is fast approaching in Madrid as the weather is quickly heating up and the flowers are blooming! I absolutely love spring and all the photo

English Teacher Interview: Tia of Just Her Carryon
Tia taught English abroad during part of her time in the Air Force and now works for a nonprofit along with running a travel blog! Read

How to Tutor Unmotivated High School Students
Last year was my first year as a language assistant (or auxiliar) in Madrid, Spain. I was assigned an elementary school and worked primarily with first

English Teacher Interview: Louis of One Globe Travels
Australian native, Louis, taught English abroad in Southeast Asia and had a very rewarding experience! He travels extensively and manages an impressive Instagram account. Read about his

Escher in Madrid
An exciting exhibition has come to Madrid! From now until June 25, 2017, you can see 200 of MC Escher’s works including drawings, woodcuts, tessellations, and more.

Auxiliar Interview: Trevor of A Texan in Spain
Trevor is a former auxiliar de conversación and blogger with three years of experience working in Spain. Here are his thoughts from living abroad: 1. Where

“Goods for the Good of This World”
I’m excited to announce that jewelry and accessory company, Mieroglyphs, invited me to be an affiliate! This Florida-based company specializes in cork-leather and canvas products that are

Auxiliar Interview: Nina of Hola, Teacher
Nina Lee is a hangry traveler, tea-loving bookworm and a dessert fiend. She is currently trying to keep up with running her blogs on teaching English

8 YouTube Videos to Use with Young Students
This is my second year working with 1st and 2nd graders and for many of them, learning a second language isn’t easy. The students I work

Auxiliar Interview: Kirstie of Venga, Vale, Vamos
Kirstie is a former auxiliar de conversación and is now backpacking and blogging around the world! She is one of the auxiliares whose blog and stories

Things I’m Still Not Used to in Spain
Even though I’ve lived in Spain for three years now (not consecutively), there are a number of Spanish/European norms I still have issues adapting to. Many

Liebster Award: Oregonian Overseas
As many of my close friends and family know, I LOVE reading travel blogs and often find myself lost in a sea of computer tabs with articles